Changing your “NOW what?” into a “What NOW?”

Have you ever asked those two questions? “NOW WHAT?” is usually after something has gone wrong and there is a high level of frustration. The “What now?” question can be asked when you realize one thing didn’t work or perhaps just looking for the next task to tackle. Here are three ways to deal with those questions.

Basically, there are three simple steps and it begins with recognizing what you don’t want as it helps to clarify and distill down what is actually desired. My experience has been that most people tend to focus on three main area: lose weight, improve relationships of some kind, or to increase financial standing. Therefore, by first giving some attention to what you do not want, you can drill down by asking “what to I want” , then “WHY?” The why is truly the answer that one is seeking.

It helps to realize that everything is energy – – everything! And it all vibrates. Some at a low, slow speed, and some at a faster, higher speed, but know that everything around us vibrates, which means there is an energy source involved. You can actually attract the reality that you want by drawing it to you, giving it focus, attention and energy. That which you give attention to – expands, what you give energy to – grows, and what you focus on manifests. This is the basic law of attraction and how it operates in every moment of every day!

Think about the vibes that you pick up from other people, you can tell if they are happy, sad, worried, nervous, angry, etc. You also are sending out vibes to the people around you and they pick up on them as well. These are what most of us refer to as just ‘feelings’, but know that you can choose your feelings just as easily as you can pick out which shirt you are going to wear in the morning.

There is a definite relationship between the words that we use and the results that we are experiencing in our lives. The words that come out of our mouth, actually formed first in our brain as a thought, where EVERYTHING was first designed and imaged. So words spoken, often determine our feelings which are vibrations, and the result is then observed.

One way to change this is to be aware of the negative influences in our speech patterns, and by eliminating six words, replacing them with alternatives impacts what we see and experience. Those words are: don’t, not, no, can’t (a cousin of don’t), but (see what happens when replaced with ‘and’), try (Yoda’s immortal words “there is no try”). Challenge yourself to be aware of these in your speech and replace with more positive sounding words. Maybe look for a list to compose and keep in your pocket.

You may be asking how to shift your vibrations other than replacing words. A simple, but not simplistic, method is to acknowledge them, that is be aware. Awareness is the first step to change of any kind.

Next, look for evidence or proof of what it is that you are wanting instead, which is a clarifying step. For instance, I want to take a trip. Do other people find cheap ticket deals? Of course, they do. I want to change jobs and geographical location, do other people find jobs that they like in different cities? YES. Therefore, if I give attention to job searching, focus and imagine myself there, being grateful for the many opportunities that I find, it IS going to happen.

The last step was just mentioned above. Being grateful. Say it out loud. Write it. Breathe it. Hum it. Just be filled with gratitude for all the good things that are on their way to you right now!